I very much wanted to post a list of Internet places full of teaching resources to support you in the remote teaching process we’re all in now. You will find a lot of materials and handy printables here, on my page, as well as on many other Polish blogs and websites. However, there are great and packed with good-quality content places which may significantly enrich your lessons and be a constant help in everyday work.
Caution! There is so much value in the links you may feel overwhelmed 😉 !
If you also think it’s useful, let me know in the comment section below and share the post! This way, you effectively help me not only to develop but also to reach to other teachers with ideas and inspirations.
1 . ESLvideo.com – great help with teaching listening skills! The website is full of videos with ready-made tasks and quizzes you can link to your students spontaneously and whenever you please. They are based not on TED Talks but also the news, various TV series, and even songs! So much help must see!
2 . All Things Grammar – a website which will cover most of your needs in the area of grammar practice in class. It is just filled with materials ready to print. Do not waste a minute, click and see!
3 . iSLcollective – it’s another great content for your classes! So much in one place. You can easily choose worksheets on a chosen level. There are PowerPoint presentations, grammar and vocabulary printables, and video lessons. Such a big help :)!
4 . Current English – with currentenglish.com you will have a chance to fill you listening classes with great interactive tasks. This site is similar to esl video, and it has loads of video lessons and even grammar board games. I’m sure you will find a lot there.
5 . Half a crossword – will make it possible to send your students games and crosswords personalised to any topic and need. Try!
6 . ESL Brains – is very attractive. You will find a lot of inspirations in teaching English to adults and youth on levels B2<. Ideas for reading, listening and culture lessons + free video material. Some of the content is premium, but the free part is really useful!
7 . Online Collocation Dictionary – will be very useful while checking on possible collocations with any word. Very helpful.
8 . Teach This – is a website where you will find free ideas for language games. At least half of the content is chargeable but there are a lot of games worksheets for a free download.
9. Elikeenglish.pl – so the website you’re reading now! Check premium materials in shop area and fill your lessons with new ideas!
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Chcesz więcej? Cały blog jest pełen materiałów lekcyjnych w różnej formie! Więcej inspiracji znajdziesz w zakładce download lessons, a jeszcze więcej otrzymasz na skrzynkę e-mail jeśli zapiszesz się do mojego newslettera! Co dwa tygodnie wysyłam aktualności, nowości i dodatkowe materiały, ciekawe linki czy kody rabatowe na produkty premium!
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Fajne zestawienie! 🙂 dzięki! ❤ z pewnością będę korzystać