Are you an English teacher? If yes, that’s great because I want to inspire you with an amazing lesson idea no-prep (I did all the preps for you!). While looking for some interesting facts about spring for an upcoming article with other great lesson ideas and materials, an amazing video caught my eye. As it turned out while watching it, it wasn’t exactly a video but an advertisement. Most unusual and the longest add I’ve ever watched. In the video, Scott Harrison tells the story of his life and talks about his charity organisation called Charity Water. The video lasts 20 minutes but it won’t be a wasted time. It will make your lesson remembered for a long time.
The lesson aims:
- listening comprehension practice
- learning new vocabulary connected to the environment and helping others,
- learning empathy and sympathy,
- logial thinking and writing practice.
Level: B2+
To download your personal copy of the lesson material, click the picture below. Please, let me know if you liked it in the comment section. Let your feedback be a small „thank you” to me.
If you’d like to read more about the project, go to the website:
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Jeśli chcesz uczyć swoje dziecko lub pomagać mu nabyć język obcy, chciał/abyś śledzić nasze postępy (mówię do swojego dziecka po angielsku) oraz poczytać coś w temacie dwujęzyczności zamierzonej, dołącz do grupy mojej strony, na której dzielę się tym co u nas się dzieje i tym co czytamy/słuchamy/robimy w temacie nauki angielskiego!
Perfect for the Day of Water 22.03. I’ll make use of it for sure. Thnx
Great ! Make the most of it ! ??♥️
Ciekawy materiał dla osób chcących sprawdzić swoje ‚listening skills’. Dość szeroki możliwości rozbudowy tematu i ćwiczeń.
Thank you!
I think so too. ?
Thanks a lot you’ve made my day!
Great ! That was my intention ! Enjoy ! 🙂